Interrogating the Politics of Oppression in The Struggle
Dan: It is the black gold that was given to us by God, and which is the liquid gold—oil—as a result of its discovery in Oloibiri. From that moment, the.
Dan: It is the black gold that was given to us by God, and which is the liquid gold—oil—as a result of its discovery in Oloibiri. From that moment, the.
Mark: And that’s in high school? Réal: Yes. Mark: Wow. Réal: I know. I feel so lucky. College was difficult in the sense that it was an entire department led.
Leticia Ridley: Welcome to Daughters of Lorraine, a podcast from your friendly neighborhood Black feminists, exploring the legacies, present, and futures of Black theatre. We are your hosts, Leticia Ridley—.
Stereotypes in Traditional Mask Designs As a mask maker, I am tasked with representing a character on stage. I’m often asked to fabricate masks for training, rather than a particular.
Conceived of and produced by Mark Russell and ArKtype in partnership with the International Presenting Commons (IPC), Creative and Independent Producer Alliance (CIPA), and HowlRound Theatre Commons, the 2024 Under.
Nabra: That’s very exciting. Marina: We have to come back to immersive site-specific soon, yes. Nabra: Yeah, as soon as anyone says immersive site-specific, I’m a thousand percent sold and.
The centering process even inspired visual modifications to a deeply established performance venue. The interior design of the Guthrie Theater includes a series of glass-covered, backlit production photos illuminated from within.
US audiences have been slow to awake to circus’ recent (r)evolution. Gone are the tired old stunts, ethically questionable human displays, clown cars, and elephants. Thrillingly diverse, poetic, personal, contemporary.
Ashley Chen—choreographer, performer, and founder of Kashyl—brings his work to La MaMa as part of Villa Albertine’s 2023 Dance Season. Distances A sisterhood of performers test the outer limits of.
Watch Me Work is a communal work session for anyone eager to nurture and sustain their creative process. Facilitated by Public Theater Playwright-in-Residence Suzan-Lori Parks and the New Work Development.