The Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Learning –

[ad_1] contributed by Michael Mirra Abstract Diversity has been at the forefront of educational discussions over the last few years. When we think about having a diverse classroom we think.

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Technology Tools For Interactive Learning –

[ad_1] contributed by Edelyn Bontuyan What makes traditional learning click?  In-person learning.  As a teacher, your students look up to you to impart knowledge in a format and manner they.

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Richard Feynman On Knowing Versus Understanding –

[ad_1] Richard Feynman On Knowing Versus Understanding by TeachThought Staff Who is Richard Feynman? Richard Feynman, born in 1918, was a theoretical physicist whose work in quantum mechanics earned him.

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An Example Of Rigor-Based Differentiation –

[ad_1] contributed by Barbara R. Blackburn Differentiation is a popular concept in today’s schools. After all, it makes sense. We’d all love to provide instruction tailored to every student’s needs..

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What Is Mistake Literacy? The Research Of Learning Through Failure –

[ad_1] contributed by Dr. Zak Cohen In 2009, President Obama spoke to a group of students at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia. As someone who had readily and unabashedly.

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Knowledge Domains For The 21st Century Student

[ad_1] by TeachThought Staff Thinking in the 21st century is just different. That doesn’t mean we’re all suddenly omnipotent cyborgs, nor do we all become mindless social media addicts who.

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A Powerful, One-Sentence Argument For Progressive Learning

[ad_1] by TeachThought Staff Do not limit a child to your own learning, for they were born for another time. R Tagore While each generation is unique, possessing its own.

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On The Danger Of Popular Ideas In Education –

[ad_1] by Terrell Heick More than once, I’ve seen Bloom’s Taxonomy called a ‘fad.’ This can be lumped in with Charlotte Danielson’s DOK framework and Learning Styles, eLearning, Blended Learning,.

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What Is Cognitive Constructivism? –

[ad_1] Learning theory isn’t generally high on the list of practicing teachers. For starters, teachers are busy poring over the classic–or emerging–learning theories that can inform their teaching on a.

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Learning Math? 25 Of The Best Math Resources

[ad_1] by TeachThought Staff What are the best math resources?  Because of the skill-based nature of mathematics in general, math resources pair especially well with digital tools like apps and.

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