Baby Registry Help! | Connecticut Fashion and Lifestyle Blog

WHO knew creating a registry would be so overwhelming?? There is just too much stuff and I don’t want to get it all (but at the same time I kind of do?). So I’m asking for your help today! I wanted to share what we are pretty set on in each category but also ask for your opinions/advice when it comes to the things we’re still TBD on (or things we still don’t know we need!).

If you’re able to fill out the google form HERE, that would be great!! Google forms are my life right now and having it all in one place would be amazing. I linked what we have below to give you a better idea of everything but the same questions below will be the ones in the google form. Answer what you can/want to!


We have a stroller, car seat, and travel car seat on our registry so I feel like we’re good to go there but are still trying to figure out a few things below…

Baby carrier — I know this can be fickle and totally up to what the baby wants and likes but my friend swears by the Artipoppe carrier and told me not to laugh at the price. I took a look and now I can’t get it out of my head. Anyone is welcome to try to get this off my registry but I don’t think it will work lol.

Car Mirror — We’re between two right now, the Shynerk and the Britax mirror. I’m sure both are great but any sway, either way, would be great with me!

Other car/travel/on-the-move accessories we need? Like window shades? Stroller cup holder? Organizer? Things you love but can’t live without?

Nursery Items:

For the nursery items, we have a crib, bassinet, mattress, changing pad, and sleep sock on our registry currently. For items, I need help with…

Sleepsacks/swaddles — I feel like I need a different one for every stage, right? Like a swaddle, then a sleep sack, then something where they can move their arms but then something like the merlin to help them transition? I honestly don’t know. Am totally helpless here!

Baby Monitor — We are currently between the Eufy and the VAVA and would love any reviews of either!

Diaper Pail: We’re leaning more toward the Ubi (vs Diaper Genie) currently because we like that it’s stainless steel and that you can use regular garbage bags for it. 

Bedding/Sheets: I don’t really think I care much where they’re from — any brands/stores you especially love for crib sheets?

Other nursery items we need? Like a mobile? Lots of covers for the changing pad and mattress? Things for the crib? I know a lot of people are going to recommend a sound machine but we decided to try we’d like them to try going without one and if it’s truly needed, we’ll get one later on.

Baby Gear:

Our neighbors gave us swings to use, we have the Babybjorn on our list, and another friend gave us a Dock A Tot. Need your help/suggestions on…

High Chair: We’re pretty sure about these for now but am always open to suggestions! We’re thinking this for the counter, this for the in-laws, and this for home when they get older.

Play Mat: Thinking House of Noa — I’ve loved the brand for a long time and I think these tiles are really cute!

Pack and Play: I don’t think I really have a preference on this but I did go through a lot of different articles saying that the Nuna SENA was a great option. So right now, it’s at the top of our list.

Activity Center: I’d like to find something for laying down (still TBD) but also for sitting up/standing that they can play in. Thinking the Skip Hop maybe? Open to suggestions!

What other baby gear should we be on the lookout for? We would *like* to not go overboard here so anything that is really just a necessity would be ideal.

Extra Items:

I’m aware that the limit does not exist for burp cloths so we have quite a few on our list. I assume any brand, right? Same thing with bibs? I have a friend that recommended Aden + Anais for a brand, any others you suggest/like?

In terms of utensils/plates/sippy cups, I know they’re further down the road but we do want to register for a few now. Any brands you love or suggest? What do we need/don’t need when it comes to toddler feeding?

For bath time, we found a “grow with me” bathtub that we like, and probably just get a starter pack of Weezie towels for the baby. I think we also registered for an Honest starter pack for shampoo/body wash/butt paste/etc.

Still TBD

Bottles/Nipples: I’ve heard we shouldn’t stock up on anything specific since the baby will decide what they like and don’t, right?

Diapers: There are so many options! Do we go with the classics like Huggies or Pampers? Or is Honest or Coterie the better way to go?

If you’re able to fill out the google form HERE to help, that would be amazing!! Answer what you can/want to!

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